To the Dentist I Go

Heading to the dentist has always been an event for me. It has never been a pleasant experience, but a necessity to keep my teeth functional and healthy. Tomorrow I head to my dentist to have a tooth filled that has cracked and part of it has fallen out! I have little to no pain, […]

Give Yourself Time

If there is one thing I learned on this arduous journey, it is that I must be more patient with myself. I cannot dictate my timeline or control the narrative. I must be patient much like a passenger in a bus. I am not saying I enjoy the ride, but I cannot determine the speed […]

Hit A Pothole…Now I’m Back

Well, I hit a Lyme pothole in my journey to better health. There used to be tons of mold and Lyme potholes, like a road littered with land mines, every single day, no matter what road I took. I even changed lanes, changed zip codes, changed vehicles, and yet they were relentless. They would sometimes […]

Starting Out…One Step at a Time

Exercise, physical activity, exertion, manual labor…whatever you call it, I just have not been able to make it happen. Well, let’s just say, my body loudly and unapologetically tells me “NO, it ain’t gonna happen.” My mind may think it is possible, but the setbacks of bedridden hours and days have simply not been worth […]

Take it Slow

This morning is one of those days where I just need to take it slow. My muscles and joints ache and feel arthritic. However, I have had enough good days recently to know that it will improve if I force myself to get up and move around…even though it may be sloth-slow. If this is […]

Today’s Tip

Check out this article on Lipsomal Glutathione. (I take a different name brand of it, so I am not plugging this company for a kickback.) I just think it is an easy-to-read article about its benefits for Lyme, mycotoxins, and immune support, etc.

Help with MCS

If anyone is dealing with multiple chemical sensitivities, click on the link below for a fantastic 20% off deal on Microbalance Health Products EC3 candles. (Be sure to enter the discount code). My personal experience using these candles has been amazing. I can tell a difference in my air quality and health, especially when I […]

Helpful Products

I can honestly say these EC3 products have proven to be game changers in my battle against Lyme and mold! My body needs all the support it can get and these products work for me! Check them out here: