Be Inspired

My Journey to Wellness…Inspired by Lyme

I know there are others who can relate
I’m not alone and this is not my absolute fate
Lyme and its allies might be at war with me
But they will not win this battle easily!

I feel all alone with nowhere to escape
Others are unaware, I am in terrible shape
My body aches and my mind is a mess
At times, I am living in dire distress.

If I choose to give up, what will I have to show?
Journal entries and pictures, but no one will know
About all the sinister partners in crime with Lyme
People will just continue to say, “You look fine!”

It is a shame so many do not understand
It’s time to take our health into our own hands
It is time to realize that our lives are on the line
I must speak up…while I have the strength and time

I refuse to be defined by who I am right now
I fight for who I will become, I won’t throw in the towel.

I commit to greater wellness and better health
An advocate for all inspired by Lyme, including myself!

Written by Rebecca J Speelman, Ed.D. (2019)