Moon Phases and Parasites

One of the things that I found from journaling is a pattern with many of my symptoms. It took a bit of time and research, but I found the phases of the moon were causing a dramatic flare for me. I was almost certainly bedridden during the onset of the new moon. (Others have mentioned […]

Who Do You Follow?

Pick friends wisely! Social media groups can give the sense of community and not being alone. For greater healing, keep these tips in mind: Avoid following groups on social media that ONLY talk about their symptoms and struggles. Find and follow support groups that are focused on strategies/solutions, even those with small success. We all […]

Start a Journal

Journaling may not be something you have done in the past, but it helps me organize the fragmented pieces of my health picture. It also gives me hope as I see “windows of improvement” with my health. Some tips: Use whatever form of writing that works best for you! (I use the Notes app on […]

Get Outside

The great outdoors are waiting for you. Today’s tip is to get outside! Did you know our bodies thrive on natural light? Sunlight is actually a potent natural cleanser and detox tool. Strive to get outside today, even if the sun is not shining where you are live or work. Breathe slowly, relax, enjoy, and […]

It Is Time…

Rather than detailing my health challenges with each post, I am going to share what seems to be helping me get better. Please realize these are things that are working for me to become well again. I still have a long journey ahead and I am not saying they will work for everyone, but the […]