
Who Am I?   I am a teacher at heart, a leader by choice, and a faithful servant of God and my family. I have multiple degrees and lots of life experience, but none of that really matters as much as being undeniably well today.

I think you should read my story:

My life was fully filled! Well, actually…My life was not fulfilled, it was overfilled with things, not relationships. Without balance, you are a prime target for chaos.

My adult life story from a distance screamed success, but my body was slowly calling out in distress. A forgotten tick bite and an allergic reaction to Lyme treatment 23 years ago led to 18 years of untreated health issues.

I had been told that my symptoms were possibly multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, chronic fatigue syndrome, yet I knew myself well enough that I refused to believe these were the root cause of my illnesses. We often have symptoms (aka red flags, gut feelings) that we ignore, but should not. I met with different doctors, requested new Lyme testing (and was turned away), and my health continued to decline to the point of what seemed like no return.

Lyme disease and its many co-infections had been easily discredited and influential people eagerly took full advantage of my challenging situation. In 2018, I was so physically and mentally compromised, I became incapable of continuing my professional career because of neurological impairment and physical pain due to Lyme co-infections and mold illness. I was placed on an 18-month medical leave by the fifth doctor I had seen in four years. I will not forget that day. I was not even sure how to drive my car home (or remember where I was going). My professional career and personal life fell to ruins…our so I thought!

As I struggled to function on an hourly basis without experiencing waves of mental incapacity and extreme physical pain, I let go of my pursuit of accolades and believing I could control everything. I was struggling to merely survive! I cried out for healing and understanding, but I felt so alone and depressed. I turned to my faith in Jesus Christ.  Praying was something I did a lot.  During that difficult time, I found that I began asking for strength and comfort rather than healing because I did not believe I would ever get better.

All my titles and achievements faded away. What mattered most was my relationship with my family. I just wanted to be well enough to see my children grow up. I begged God to not have my children see me die.  They carried so much of the responsibility in our household, and I felt like a waste. As months turned into years, I felt as though I had no purpose in life, professionally or personally. I started to feel as if I was becoming a burden to everyone who cared about me. Those days were tremendously difficult! “Fighting to get well when you are not well enough to fight” is not easily understood until you experience it.  (I hope you never do!)

When the pain subsided enough that I could think, I recorded voice notes on my phone. If I found my eyes could focus enough to read, I would read as much as possible about my health.  If I was able to write, I would type (or record). When I would read what I had written (or said), much of it was disorganized with wrong words and even ideas. Unfortunately, what I was thinking was not what I expressed in words. It was embarrassing and angering because my brain was not able to process information like it once had; it was as if my greatest gift was gone. I once was a walking library, a living World Wide Web, but that place was destroyed. Multi-tasking was no longer something I could do.  My memory was extremely short term, and I tired from doing little to nothing. Being bedridden writhing with pain, missing family events, and having to walk away from an esteemed career that others only dreamt about ever attaining became reality for me.  I felt the best had passed me. It was undeniable that I needed to gain and maintain a balanced perspective if I ever became well again. Whatever it takes, I said I would do it. I made a resolution to follow whatever purpose God shared. I am now a health advocate for others, a teacher to share what I have learned, a research analyst to leave no stone unturned, a voice for those who cannot speak up for themselves, and a quality, certified holistic nutritionist that is ready to make the world a better place.

Today, I am blessed to share with you that there is HOPE! You can get well. There were many people along the way to wellness who were instrumental in my healing. First, my faith and relationship with God. I also have an incredibly dedicated and thorough Lyme-literate medical doctor, (Dr. Robert Mauss), a compassionate and caring naturopathic doctor (Dr. Leah Anderson), an amazing holistic dentist (Dr. Marc Dinola), and Dr. Henele from the Energetic Health Institute. The knowledge and experience gained during this process, completing my coursework and earning the title of certified holistic nutritionist, CHN has given me the confidence to open my own practice, partner with medical professionals, and pursue further education and certifications in 2024.

SO, I am here right now waiting to help you and your loved ones. I don’t think my story is terribly different than your story. Of course, the scenes may play out differently, but the story line is universal. You need to be our own advocate, invest in your health. You need to take control of what you choose to eat and do. Your body is waiting to heal if you can fuel it with the absolute best nutrients and lifestyle choices.



I am excited to hear from you!

Disclaimer: The information presented on this website is intended for educational purposes only, and it hasn’t been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This information isn’t intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any condition or disease, nor is it medical advice. One should always consult a qualified medical professional before engaging in any dietary and/or lifestyle change.