Well, I am so glad we have time today to chat about what I feel has been the biggest game changing nutritional additions for me as I battle mold illness and Lyme disease.  I believe I shared earlier on my FB page, “Breaking the Mold to Beat Lyme” just how critical it is for each of us to seek clean air quality.  I don’t even need to go into detail about the ‘conspiracies’ we look up into the sky and see on what is to be a sunny day, along with pollen and other allergens.  But fear not because God has given us foods to help battle these allergens.  How do you ask? Anyone want to take a guess? If you guessed QUERCETIN, you are today’s winner.  Give yourself a mental high-5!!!  

Quercetin is a major Antioxidant and incredibly influential upon the body’s allergic response mechanisms.  It is ESSENTIAL for any Sinusitis, Bronchitis, or Asthma!  

 And is it super important to eat organic foods?  YES Why? Organic Foods are on AVERAGE 87% higher in Quercetin and 88% higher in ORAC rating!

I found this great infographic online and want to give credit to Premium Health Provider Intl for sharing this with us.  Check out all the details about Quercetin below. Pay special attention to the all the foods we have easily accessible to us on a regular basis.  Are you seeing anything you already are eating?

Along with all the goodness in foods, I found this next infographic really lays out the benefits of adding quercetin-rich foods to your diet.  Notice how many are air quality-related, and all are health-related.  Remember, each part of our body is interconnected with other parts.  What you do for one, you do for all!  

Isn’t quercetin super cool?  How do you plan to add it to your nutrition plan?  Have you found any great recipes that you could share?  Just add them in the comments under today’s blog post.  Thanks for making a choice to take control of what you feed your body!  Pay attention and you feel it thanking you!