Finding Qi Gong??

My medical doctor mentioned Qi Gong to me several months ago. I was dealing with “out of control” electromagnetic sensitivity; traveling away from my secluded home led to what felt like force fields of energy pressing my shoulders and head into the back of the car’s seat, intense vice grip head pressure, muscle spasms, hands twitching/contortion and locking of joints were the norm. Driving near power lines or cell towers became unbearable. It would send me on a downward spiral to a flare up, and I would become bedridden. The research that I studied indicates that mold and Lyme feel threatened by electromagnetic radiation and go into hyperdrive reproduction, thereby creating a change reaction in my body!

My body seems to create an over-abundance of energy, as well. I end up with electrical blockages that are exacerbating my health issues. At this point, don’t stop and think I am crazy. As a multi-hypersensitive individual, all of this does make sense. So, Qi Gong entered into my view. I attempted to do a few basic movements, and those small movements seemed to help my lymphatic system and lessen my intense muscle pain. Yet, I never committed to a program or class. However, I think this may be a game changer for me. Do your own research, find a good how-to video and see if you can practice basic Qi Gong every day.

Today, I am starting with a five-day challenge online with Holden Qi Gong. I am not affiliated at all with him; I just started researching good resources and think this might work well for me.

I’ll keep everyone updated on how it goes for me. Here is the FB link:

Disclaimer: Nothing that I have written is intended to serve as medical advice for anyone. All medical decisions you make should be made only with the guidance of your own personal licensed medical authority.