Siberian Ginseng and Adrenal Fatigue

Do you get stressed out easily? Do you feel anxious about what seems like nothing to others?
Guess what, you are not alone. For centuries, people have experienced something we now call adrenal fatigue. And guess what, the same thing they found all those years ago to be effective is still effective today. Take a moment to stay right here and learn more about something by the name of Siberian Ginseng. Having been used in China since ancient times, Siberian ginseng only gained recognition in the West in the 1950s, when a Russian scientist (I. I. Brekhman) reported its notable stress-repelling powers. Healthy men and women taking the herb were found to better endure physical strain, resist disease, and perform tests of mental sharpness.

Many people with hypothyroidism and Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, as well as those people with
hyperthyroidism and Graves’ Disease, can benefit from taking this herb. It was also determined that Siberian Ginseng could effectively regulates the immune response and the hormonal changes due to stress, thus maintaining homeostasis. **The key word in
this statement is homeostasis. Do you know what that means? If not, here is the biology definition: homeostasis is the state of steady internal, physical, and chemical conditions maintained within a living body.

Siberian ginseng helps create and maintain that balance. Remember, the key to everything is
BALANCE. It just so happens this is a great herb to balance out adrenal fatigue. Because fatigue can lead to disease!

This above infographic does a great job providing the best benefits that Siberian Ginseng provides us.
Here are some key things to take away from today’s post are as follows:

  • Siberian Ginseng is a deciduous plant which grows in mountainous forests throughout the
    Orient. In traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), it has been used to treat lacking stamina, fatigue,
    and lethargy.
  • Note that Siberian ginseng (Eleutherococcus senticosus) is a distant botanical relative of Asian
    ginseng (Panax ginseng) and American ginseng (Panax quinquefolius).
  • While Siberian ginseng has bioactive molecules called eleutherosides, Asian and American
    ginseng contain different bioactives called ginsenosides.
  • To avoid side effects from this herb, some experts suggest not taking it for more than three to six
    months at a time.