It’s A New Day with a New Start

Anything is possible! Never give up hope! You are a fighter, a warrior. No matter where you are in your journey with health, you are not alone!

Five years ago next week I was at the lowest point ever in my life. I was losing a battle with chronic Lyme disease, its sinister co-infections, and toxic mold illness. I literally lost my way home when attempting to leave work that day due to neurological disability. The pain became unrelenting and hours turned to days bedridden. I spiraled into the depths of what I feel was a hell on earth. Despair, anger, and no hope flickered in my mind many times. But, with faith, perseverance, patience, and an incredible doctor who truly understood and was invested in my healing and health, I am here in 2023 to make a difference in the lives of others. My purpose is to help others get healthy and stay healthy.

Next week I will be opening the doors on an entirely new venture. It is only fitting that it is five years to the same day that I lost what I thought was my true identity. (I honestly did not even realize the connection until I began to write this post, but with God all things have perfect timing.)

I learned many lessons along the way. One thing the past five years has taught me is that no one should define their value by a job title or position. Your greatest joy and purpose truly comes from focusing on what you personally can offer to others, no matter what role you play in life. Things like compassion, patience, kindness, laughter, knowledge, and love. These are what make a difference.

Share your faith not only with words, but through your actions.

And this life lesson has led me to what Undeniably Well is all about! Sharing my knowledge, love, compassion, patience, and kindness with others…no matter where others are in their journey to wellness.

Please take a moment to read over our website’s new home page and let me know your thoughts. And if you feel like you are not undeniably well, I would love to help you! Reach out to me via the contact form! Appointments begin November 1!

P.S. If you are a frequent visitor to the Inspired by Lyme website, you probably noticed it looks different. It even has a another domain name that redirects to it. ( Don’t worry, isn’t going anywhere!