To the Dentist I Go

Heading to the dentist has always been an event for me. It has never been a pleasant experience, but a necessity to keep my teeth functional and healthy.

Tomorrow I head to my dentist to have a tooth filled that has cracked and part of it has fallen out! I have little to no pain, but rather the odd sensation of a hole the size of Rhode Island in my mouth. With that said, there are some details I want to share from my whole experience, so my posts will be more regular.

After this tooth cracked and fell out, I had one of the most restful and amazing nights of sleep in months. I felt so good that I must have woken up my husband three times to let him know how awesome I felt! I don’t remember even waking up, though. It was as if a toxin had been removed from my system and my body was rejoicing with rest! I absolutely believe it was that tooth. My dry mouth at night has not come back since that tooth left town.

The next day I had a strong metallic taste in my mouth that I could not get to go away. Though my tooth had cracked and fell out, there had been no trauma or bleeding. I believe there were toxins being released into my mouth from the remaining tooth matter in my cracked molar. When I went to the dentist for an emergency evaluation, they thought it was just a new cavitation that caused the tooth to crack. Well, as with almost everything in my crazy Lyme journey, I keep the evidence and a journal. So, I still had that cracked tooth and I swore I saw metal in it. Sure enough, upon inspection of my OLD dental records and the tooth under a microscope, there was a filling and it was documented on that paperwork!

It looked like the tooth had been filled twice first with metal and then composite on top of it. No matter what, that tooth and its toxic clan had finally left my body! Hallelujah! So, I continued to take my Lyme/mold protocol and the metal taste diminished in about a day. I am anxious to head to the dentist to take care of this tooth.

I also know that a crown is coming for an end of life root canal and I don’t mean one of royalty! I am not sure I am doing what is best, but is the best I can do for me. I’ll keep you posted!