Brain Pain and Mind Games

It would happen sporadically, but I was guaranteed that every Tuesday evening, I would not escape it! The pain and pressure would start before I left my office. By the time I was a driving my car home, I felt like my body was floating over top of my steering wheel and my head was about to explode. My eyes felt fuzzy and my ears were ringing.

There were times I questioned myself to pull my car off to the side of the road and have someone come to pick me up. Driving was almost impossible; the pain was unbearable. When I finally pulled my car in the driveway and parked it, I would peel my clenched hands from the steering wheel, drag myself into my house, take off my shoes, and fall to the floor. I would contort my body until I rolled onto the top of my head, pressing it into the floor (or sometimes a pillow), attempting to alleviate the excruciating pain. It did seem to help at the time, as a numbing feeling eventually came over the top of my skull. What a welcome home this must have been for my children! 😔 I hate these memories!

I had no doctor to help me at that time. I had no idea about the influence of mold or Lyme. I just tried to suck it up and assumed it was the stress of balancing work and family. I blamed myself for all of my ailments back then, as did many others. They told me I chose to make myself sick by having a career and raising/schooling our children. I believed it was my fault. Much later, I did learn it was NOT me, it was mold and Lyme.

After years of struggling, I began to put the pieces together about what might be happening to me. New symptoms appeared and I was losing time and hope. I met with multiple doctors, many who denied my issues or labeled them as something else, like multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, early Parkinson’s. Knowledge can be powerful, but in my case, mold and Lyme had a hidden stronghold on me. Things starting getting way worse. I’ll spare those details for later; there are just too many to share all at one time.

Fast forward until today. I am finally able to begin to tell my story, in hopes it will help others on their journey! My mission is to share my story and what works for me as a beacon of light to show there is hope for you. There is potential in multiple remedies and one size does not fit all. I pray that my unique story will help you find your way back to wellness!

Please be your own advocate! Leave no stone unturned! Don’t give up!