Starting Out…One Step at a Time

Exercise, physical activity, exertion, manual labor…whatever you call it, I just have not been able to make it happen. Well, let’s just say, my body loudly and unapologetically tells me “NO, it ain’t gonna happen.” My mind may think it is possible, but the setbacks of bedridden hours and days have simply not been worth the attempt. Well, until yesterday! I decided to start slow…so I walked. This would have been humiliating to me as my former self, but it was a delightful accomplishment in light of who I am and where I am right now.

You don’t know much about me, but I was an avid runner for most of my younger life. I ran cross country in high school and college. Long distance running was unbelievably easy for me. I could decide ‘out the blue’ to run a few miles and my body would find its tempo…and I would run like the wind. Running was fun! When others complained about running, I just could not relate. When others were winded, I was carrying a full conversation and I LOVED taking on the challenge of any hill. I used those inclines to my advantage! It may seem fun to reminisce about the good old days, but they all seem like an impossible dream now.

It is also extremely frustrating. The sting of being a sliver of that person, my former self, has been devastating. I mean I have been winded walking up stairs, I’ve regularly lost my balance walking on level ground, I’ve gotten light-headed when standing up, and my hands and feet have cramped with little exertion. The muscle and joint pain can be excruciating and the body tremors have sent me to bed as the pain ravaged me for “overdoing” it.

But, yesterday, I walked and I lived to tell! I will say I have bone and joint pain, but I am not bedridden. I will say my body is hurting, but not like it has in the past. I am starting out in the right direction. Join me on my journey! Oh the places I hope I can go this time. I hope each step I take moves me closer to breaking the mold to beat Lyme!