Breaking the Mold to Beat Lyme

I have a new FB page name I wanted to share with everyone. It just came to me the other day…”Breaking the Mold to Beat Lyme.” It will also become the title of my future book!

I will still have my “Inspired By Lyme” website and FB presence, but I am going to have both work together for my “Breaking the Mold to Beat Lyme” page.

Why the name change? You see, I’ve been battling mold and Lyme for quite some time. I’ve also been breaking down barriers and educating those in disbelief. I am fighting to find the root cause of my illness, not just targeting symptoms. It has been years of advocating for my health, pursuing answers on my own, and finally finding doctors who are educated and compassionate. It’s about using old school medicines, new wave interventions, and everything in-between. There is no one size fits all! We are each uniquely different!

Figuratively, I am “breaking the mold” with medical care and self-advocacy. Literally, I am breaking the mold, especially those mycotoxins and neurotoxins that exist in our environment. I may finally be to the point that I can truly battle Lyme disease…and beat it!

I’ve made it this far and I will not quit. My goal is to use my experiences to help others as they “break the mold”, supporting them to become advocates for their own health.