Take it Slow

This morning is one of those days where I just need to take it slow. My muscles and joints ache and feel arthritic. However, I have had enough good days recently to know that it will improve if I force myself to get up and move around…even though it may be sloth-slow. If this is also you, know you are not alone!

On a high note, I believe I just made it through April’s full moon WITHOUT being bedridden. For those of you who have experienced the intense neurological pain of Lyme, particularly during full moon, you understand the challenge that I’ve overcome. How? I am not 💯 sure, but the more I Earth (grounding with my favorite tree) the better I feel. I also do a ‘modified-by-me’ version of Qi Gong and use tapping techniques for pain. Of course, I’m still taking medicines and supplements. I am never going to stop fighting the good fight.

How are you doing? Are you taking it slow? Do you need help fighting the good fight? I am here to support everyone. We are not alone!