For the Health of It – Change Your Diet

I know you don’t want to hear it! Food may be one of the few comforts you believe you have in your life. Yet, it was one of the biggest culprits in helping us get better.

I needed to remove gluten from my diet early on…it was tearing me apart. Dairy was next, then egg. The hardest change for me was sugar! I loved it.

If it was sweet, it was good for me! Until I found, it was hurting me.

Lyme feeds on things like gluten, dairy, and SUGAR! If you can’t get rid of all of them at the same time, work to eliminate one at a time! Here are just a few of my own family findings, along with a few years of research.

  1. Dairy! A quick one to start with is dairy. You should start seeing changes about 72 hours from time of food elimination if you have a food issue with dairy. For us, dairy causes indigestion, acid stomach issues, along with mood and anxiety problems. Not an easy task, but when it helps us to heal, go for it! Our goal is to get rid of Lyme!!
  2. It has been said that gluten can take up to six months to be eliminated from the body. We really noticed it tied to behavior, sleep, and muscle pain…you must be patient and stick to the change! This is where I watch too many people give up and fall backwards with their health, especially when working with their own children.
  3. Egg just causes me issues, mainly tied to albumin.
  4. SUGAR!! My nemesis. Yet, so many health issues are tightly tied to sugar, including Lyme! I can honestly say I no longer crave sugar; it is possible!

Do not stress about finding things to eat! I’ll be sharing great tasting food choices tomorrow that are free of gluten, dairy, egg, sugar, etc. If you are interested, I will gladly share my recipes, too! Just ask!! Due to our son’s severe food allergies, we have been cooking allergy-friendly for him for the past 8 years!!!


DisclaimerNothing that I have written is intended to serve as medical advice for anyone. All medical decisions you make should be made only with the guidance of your own personal licensed medical authority.