Moon Phases and Parasites

One of the things that I found from journaling is a pattern with many of my symptoms. It took a bit of time and research, but I found the phases of the moon were causing a dramatic flare for me. I was almost certainly bedridden during the onset of the new moon. (Others have mentioned the role of the full moon.) Of course, it is not the moon itself. Rather, it is tied to certain parasites that are sinister allies of Lyme disease. There are several methods to help eradicate these parasites from wrecking your road to improvement.

If you have a Lyme-literate doctor, ask he/she about the potential impact parasites and phases of the moon could have on your health. Don’t be discouraged if they are unsure about parasites and the moon; no one person can know everything. They may have different protocols based on their own medical background.

Be your own advocate! Doctors who are willing to investigate and educate themselves are out there for us to find.


  • Don’t dwell on the moon’s phases, but be aware of the possibility of parasites.
  • Keep a journal to see if there is a correlation between the moon and your symptoms!